

Fear Factor

You know what I absolutely hate? When I walk on a set for the first time, and I catch a glimpse of people eyeing each other nervously the moment they catch sight at me. Sometimes they'll mouth "Oh no!" or "We're doomed!" at one another. Other times, the palpable fear in their eyes will say all that needs to be said.

Like they've never been on a string of shows that were cancelled almost immediately after they hit the airwaves.

Take Ron Eldard. Nice guy, good actor. But to watch him preen around, you'd think that he'd never driven a show into the ground by his mere presence.

For the first couple days on the set, every time he'd see me, he'd say something like, "Look everyone, Rena's here... the pink slips shouldn't be that far behind." Or "I hope Rena doesn't infect us all with cancel-itis." Or "Angel of Death, please spare us from your remorseless scythe."

A real funnyman that Ron Eldard. He's just lukcy no one remembers Men Behaving Badly.

Posted by Rena Sofer at 2:15 PM

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