

No It Doesn't

Come on! I'd actually answer the questions, instead of issuing declamations like Pembleton. And what is up with him anyway? He's not morally ambiguous -- he's hypermoral! I've been a shady-seeming federal agent a few times. Doesn't that count for something? -- Daniel Benzali

Hey, ipsa this, you pissy little bitch!

Hell, all the advice was in the name of this entry. The rest was just 'cause I think it's funny to call someone a pissy little bitch. As for what the hell Pembleton does with us, the guy'll tell you himself, "The longer I live, the less I know. I should know more. I should know the coffee's killing me. You're suspicious of your suspicions? I'm jealous." Are you stunned I can recite that from heart? Don't be. We hear it around here eight goddamn times a day. Don't even get us started on the "No more lies" spiel.

Posted by Andy Sipowicz at 3:11 AM

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