

Can I Take Your “Order”?

I was at the grocery store buying Chuckles some of the wet food she likes so much when I got the call from Morty, my agent. I love Morty because he's not like other agents -- he doesn't actually get me any work, but he's polite and showers weekly.

Morty says, "Noah, you won't believe it. I got you an audition."

He was right. I didn't believe it. He hasn't gotten me an audition in years. But I guess my improv work at Mime College had gotten me some attention. Finally, that Walking in the Wind crap had paid off.

"Wait a second, Morty," I said. "It's not for that new Battlestar Galactica, is it? Because I promised Dirk Benedict that I wouldn't cave like Hatch did."

No, Morty assured me, it wasn't for "Galactica." It was, instead, for a part on a popular crime drama. I won't mention the name of the show, so let's just say that it's one of the longest running shows on TV and it's produced by Dick Wolf.

Anyway, I've spent the last two hours vomiting, and I'm off to the sauna now for some sweating. Gotta get down to my fighting weight for the audition.

Posted by boxey at 11:45pm

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