

Tough Day

Tough day at work today. I'm fighting a match against Shawn Michaels at the Fleet Center in Boston -- it's the main event on Smackdown -- and Shawn is really knocking me around the ring when I pull off this sweet counter move that gives me the upper hand. Shawn's down on the mat now, and I'm just about to go in for the ankle move and the submission, when the crowd -- I mean, the entire crowd -- starts booing.

Booing! Me!

I mean, how is that supposed to make me feel? I'm in the gym every day working my tail off. I put a lot effort into the match... I'm not half-assing it out there like some other people I could mention. And I'm getting booed like I muffed an easy ground ball in Game Six of the World Series.

It's enough to make you not even want to try anymore.

So... unappreciative fans. When I checked into the hotel, the room wasn't ready. I got stuck in traffic on the way into the arena. Oh, also, I think I suffered a slight tear in my right hamstring. Just a bad day all around.

Posted by goldmedalguy at 1:34 AM

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