

I Am Not Triple H’s Fat Bitch

That bastard Triple H! There I am backstage last night, and he's doing an interview which I happen to catch on the monitor. And he's talking about how he's going to destroy me and mop the floor with me, which I'm totally fine with, because that's his thing. Then he says by the end of the match, he's going to make me his "bitch," which is totally not cool since it's such an unbelievably offensive thing to say, what with the epidemic of prison rape we're experiencing in this country. Then he spends about five minutes talking about how I'm a fat, bald joke and how when he's done with me, all that's going to be left is a skid mark where my trunks used to be.

I'm not ashamed if people see me cry, but I was glad nobody was around then, all the same. Water works city.

Posted by goldmedalguy at 10:30 AM

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