TeeVee Mailbag XIII: Your Idiocy ExplainedYou're posing questions -- searing, insightful questions that have forced us to take a long, hard look at the way we used to view the world. You're making the kind of piercing observations we can only get from barflies after we've plied them with rum. You're doing the kind of a navel-gazing worthy of philosophy major at an Ivy League school. A philosophy major who spends most of his time pondering the intricacies of Gilligan's Island and The Dukes of Hazzard instead of Aristotle, Wittgenstein and Camus and is probably going to flunk out of that aforementioned Ivy League school... but a philosophy major nonetheless. We can almost hear the wheels turning in your brains, the gears shifting down into overdrive, the little hamster running around the exercise wheel as fast as his little legs can carry him. And rest assured, we stand here impressed. The result? Your e-mail's still semi-literate piffle. But it's a much more enjoyable read. Take this news flash from the frozen north, courtesy of Canadian correspondent Sanj Arora, who queries:
And wouldn't you know it... Sanj is right! Entertainment Tonight hosts are way too happy. We guess we had always noticed it, but never really noticed it. You know? Sort of like how no one ever noticed Chachi on Happy Days until he and Erin Moran got their own show and never had to be upstaged by Potsie again. We blame the "way-too-happy" phenomenon spotted by the eagle-eyed Sanj on the departure of John Tesh. No one read a celebrity birthday or segued over to Leonard Maltin the way John Tesh did. He brought a quiet intensity to Entertainment Tonight that's been sadly lacking ever since he left the program to follow his muse. Of course, every time we watch Entertainment Tonight, the voice of Mary Hart reduces us to epileptic fits. So we don't really know. Leave it to a Canadian -- an outsider -- to come up with a such a probing insight into our American pop culture. It has us Vidiots seriously considering a move to Winnipeg where we, too, might be able to broaden our minds. But it's not just cutting observations about frothy syndicated infotainment shows that are filling up our mailbox. Rather, you readers have turned your jaundiced eyes and keen intellects to a subject nearer and dearer to your hearts... yourselves. Last time around, we noted a frightening paradox into how our little articles are received -- namely, that negative critiques of popular shows like Seinfeld were greeted with high-fives and joyous hoots while blistering put- downs of mule-faced actresses were greeted with howls of indignation. And we put the question to you -- very politely, we might add -- just what the hell is wrong with you people? Many of you took that to heart, and sent us volumes and volumes of e-mail attempting to explain yourselves. And mind you, we were quite impressed. It's not an easy thing, staring into the gaping maw that is one's soul and then sharing it with the world. Many of your letters were cogent, penetrating, even touching. And that e-mail gave us a greater appreciation of you. Unfortunately, we accidentally erased those. So we'll just have to make do with ones like the letter penned by Meads from Vanderbilt:
PS: If you decide to use this letter to publicly ridicule me, do not feel justified in level ing criticism at my SPELLING. I can spell perfectly well, I'm just not much of a typist and I'm too lazy to fix my typos. letters Oh, Meads... do you really think we're such monstrous boors that we would point out the irony of you calling us lazy in one paragraph and then defending your own lazy proof-reading habits in the next? Do you, Meads? You shiftless, lazy-ass illiterate. Then there's mlaski, who dropped us a line to let us know:
This is not to say I don't enjoy the show from time to time. I just wanted to help you guys out because, you know, I feel kinda sorry for you guys, too, sometimes. Well, mlaski, that's really nice of you to say. It's readers like you who... hey! While we were busy crossing mlaski's name off our Christmas card list, Carolyn Gonzalez fired off this response:
Well, you were right, Carolyn. We hope Meads from Vanderbilt was paying attention. As good as we felt about ourselves after that, along came Loyal Seinfeld Fan in Georgia to stomp on the begonias of our self-esteem:
Besides, hurling insults at readers is our department. So, Loyal Seinfeld Fan in Georgia, we beseech you -- please keep your ugly temper in check. Follow the simple lead of reader Robyn Davis who, after reading our April Fool's Day parody, informed us:
Actually, Robyn, it would be more accurate to call us frivolous, whimsical buttholes. But we concede your point. And to other readers out there who stumbled upon our Entertainment Weekly parody and mistook our forgery for the real McCoy, no, TeeVee has not been swallowed whole by the sinister Time-Warner conglomerate. Although we did trade them Gregg Wrenn for Atlanta Braves season tickets. Anything to get us closer to our good friend Loyal Seinfeld Fan in Georgia, after all...
Additional contributions to this article by: Philip Michaels. | ![]() |
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