TeeVee Mailbag VI: Currying FavorHell of a thing, this Internet. It can bring people together who might otherwise never meet. It can spur total strangers to political action. It can entertain, amuse, and at its best moments, even enlighten. All the world's information right at our fingertips, as that creepy old guy says in all those Magnavox commercials. And all thanks to the Internet.But the Web has a darker side, too. An ugly, seamy underbelly that was unthinkable just a few generations ago. Back in the old days, when computers were big and klunky and only used by oily losers walled off from the rest of us, if someone had an unnatural obsession with something -- say, a book or a song or a conspiracy theory or even, for the sake of argument, hardcore Swedish pornography -- they pretty much kept it to themselves. They had no place in this world to air their secret shame. And we were the better for it. But now... now... the Internet allows that troubled loner who may have thought that he was the only one to understand the subversive pleasures of Jim Varney to find others of his demented ilk. And they can sit around in their virtual chat rooms for hours, discussing the finer points of "Ernest Goes to Jail" or "Ernest Scared Stupid" or those car commercials Varney did for Sacramento-area dealerships owned by John L. Sullivan in the late '80s. Then, presumably, they masturbate. Creepy? Sure. Unthinkable? We used to hope. But then the other day, we here at TeeVee stumbled across an online cult of women who worship Tim Curry as a god. And let us tell you, they do not take too kindly to having their deity taunted. You may be aware that we're in the midst of our annual Fall TeeVee Dead Pool, to see which new show will be the first cancelled by craven network executives. And many of us Vidiots picked Over the Top, a sitcom starring the aforementioned Tim Curry and one Annie Potts. We did this for a number of sensible reasons -- its hackneyed premise, its re-shot pilot episode, the fact that the producer was once boffing the programming chief but was thrown over for Chandler Bing. But to a man, most of us also singled out the sainted Tim Curry as one of the primary reasons for Over the Top's likely fall. Maybe it's because we were forced to sit through "Annie," maybe we never fully understood the appeal of "Legend," maybe that uncomfortable evening we spent at the Santa Monica Nuart watching the midnight screening of "Rocky Horror Picture Show" scarred us more than we thought, but we can't envision an America where TV viewers are giddy over the thought of prolonged exposure to Tim Curry.
Reasonable thinking? So we thought. But to the Clan of the Curry-ites, it was unpardonable Blasphemey against their messiah.
Because soon, this poor, unnamed TeeVee writer of Chinese origin was being flooded with letters by outraged Tim Curry fans, each one more idiotic than the last.
Tim is truly great in what he himself hates most-- Rocky Horror--Legend--It. He's definatly a little weird in his private life too--pretty much in love with himself, I'd say.
Anyway, I'm still a fan. You wouldn't expect Stephen King to write romance, would you?
Where do you base your opinions? Let me guess, you've seen a couple Tim movies and figured you don't like the guy. Annie made a couple sitcoms that didn't work so you're ready to throw her out too. Don't forget, Tim and Annie have also done very well but I know sometimes it is hard for reporters to see the good things. Remember Three Musketeers, Muppet Treasure Island, Designing Women? Those were very popular.
As for the reason ABC remade the pilot episode. Probably because they changed 2 of the characters. They replaced the daughter and the maid. I think that is a very good explanation for reshooting the pilot. The new pilot is almost identical to the original.
Yes, you are entitled to your opinions. Just realize, not everyone dislikes Tim and Annie as much as you apparently do so give the show a chance. We Tim fans are not "closet" people as you seem to think. We are regular folk just like you.
But it was
Your comments in reply to a note from a friend of mine regarding Mr. Curry's career made me wonder whether you are familiar with the body of his work:
Yes, I *am* a fan of Tim Curry. He is perhaps the most multi-talented actor on the planet, in my opinion.
I understand that you personally are less than charmed by Mr. Curry's skills and I do not ask that you plug his new series, but it would be greatly appreciated were you to give it a fighting chance before condemning it sight unseen. (On the off chance that they're right, however, and ABC executives are reading this... please, please, please cancel Hiller & Diller. And do something about those ads, Jamie.) We don't know what the Curry coven was thinking by sending us a spate of pro-Tim, anti-Us letters. Maybe they hoped it would change our minds, that we would slap our collective foreheads and say, "Goddamnit, what were we thinking? 'Clue' is one of the underrated gems of American cinema! And his Russian accent in 'Hunt For Red October' isn't the least bit comical!" Well, they thought wrong, damnit. If anything, this little episode has turned us even more against Tim Curry and all that he touches. Whereas before, we were willing to just critique the merits of his body of work, we now find ourselves hating him and all that he stands for. And rather than force us to rethink our admittedly hasty opinion on Over the Top, the Order of the Sisters of Perpetual Curry-dom have instead made us eagerly await the failure of that show as well as any future projects Tim Curry happens to be involved in. We hope you're happy, girls...
Additional contributions to this article by: Philip Michaels. | ![]() |
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